Both provide a creamy, tangy taste to your favorite dishes, but sour cream is higher in fat and calories while Greek yogurt provides more protein and, for the most part, fewer calories. 🥣
The Creamy Truth: While both can be found in the refrigerated section of your grocery store, sour cream tends to be viewed as a condiment while many consider yogurt a snack.Two tablespoons of sour cream provides about 18 percent of your daily value of saturated fat and about 60 calories. Saturated fat, commonly found in red meats and full-fat dairy products, raises the cholesterol levels in the blood and increases your risk of heart disease or stroke.
The same amount of non-fat Greek yogurt contains only 18 calories, 3g of protein, and no saturated fat. It also provides probiotics, or “good bacteria,” which helps keep your gut healthy.The Verdict: Greek yogurt is a great alternative to replace sour cream in many meals. It is a lower calorie option that also provides good bacteria to promote a healthy digestive system. If you prefer to use sour cream, choose a reduced-fat or fat-free option to reduce your intake of unhealthy fat.