Whether you’re trying to cut back on high-calorie beverages, mixing up a vodka with club soda, or just want a more exciting alternative to plain water, club soda can be a relatively healthy choice. But beware…club soda contains additional ingredients – including sodium – that are used to enhance its flavor. 🥤
Club soda generally contains a combination of potassium sulfate, sodium chloride and potassium or sodium bicarbonate to make it taste better. Although none of these ingredients contribute calories, they do provide trace amounts of potassium as well as moderate amounts of sodium.
Depending on how it’s made, club soda typically delivers somewhere in the range of 50 to 80 mg of sodium per 8-ounce serving.One major brand of club soda delivers nearly 100 milligrams of sodium per 12-ounce can. If you generally prefer club soda to plain water – that is, if you tend to drink three to five cans a day – your beverage of choice may be a substantial source of sodium. Read nutrition labels, choose the product with the least amount of sodium and limit your daily servings.