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Use Promo Code: VUKOO for 15% Off

Looking for a quick on-the-go munch or post-workout bite? Protein bars are a portable snack that are great when you're in a pinch and need something to eat quick. But the protein bar aisle has become saturated with countless choices and lofty nutrition claims that can be overwhelming to decipher, especially when on a low sodium diet.

Protein bars provide protein (of course) and now-a-days are full of organic ingredients, high in fiber, non-gmo, gluten free, kosher and all things natural. That list is more important than we realize, but there is something missing on the list — LOW SODIUM. Most protein bars in the market are loaded with sugar, saturated fat, lack fiber and are VERY high in sodium. Grrr that sneaky sodium. It is just one more hurdle to battle while on a low sodium diet…until now! Vukoo to the rescue!

I am excited to announce I have partnered and teamed up with @vukoobar! They are by far the best low sodium protein bar on the market! With only 95mg per bar, these healthy organic protein bars have been a game changer and I want you to taste this revolutionary bar yourself.

We will be offering an exclusive ongoing promo code to use when you shop on Vukoo’s website and receive 15% off every time you order, use promo code: LOWSALTKITCHEN You can also find Vukoo on Amazon in the refrigeration isle at @WholeFoods.

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